
Upcoming events

Past events

Sixth E-pi consortium meeting

May 28 2024

The sixth E-pi consortium meeting was hosted by KU Leuven on May 28 2024 in Leuven, Belgium. All partners were engaged in the progress update on the work packages and the technical brainstorming sessions.

E-pi: Re-thinking Uncertainty and AI workshop

September 22 2023

The E-pi consortium organized a workshop entitled with E-pi: Re-thinking Uncertainty and AI, which took place on 22 September 2023, TU Delft, the Netherlands. This workshop aims to discuss the current state, limitations, and future perspectives on the foundations of uncertainty and AI. It gathered voices from artificial intelligence, decision making, and engineering to discuss handling uncertainty in a principled, but practical manner. For more information, kindly visit the workshop's website.

Fifth E-pi consortium meeting

September 21 2023

The fifth E-pi consortium meeting, held in person, was hosted by TU Delft on September 21 2023 in Delft, the Netherlands. All partners participated actively in the progress update on the Work Package(s) and the technical brainstorming sessions.

E-pi UAI 2023 workshop

August 4 2023

The E-pi UAI 2023 workshop, focusing on epistemic uncertainty in artificial intelligence, took place on August 4, Pittsburgh, USA. The workshop was co-organised by Fabio Cuzzolin (OBU), Matthijs Spaan (TUD), Keivan Shariatmadar (KUL), Maryam Sultana (OBU), Kaizheng Wang (KUL), and Shirren KUdukkil Manchingal (OBU). For this workshop, we accepted 16 non-archival papers covering a wide range of topics. Four speakers, Prof. Gert de Cooman from Ghent University, Prof. Yarin Gal from Oxford University, Dr. Marco Zaffalon from IDSIA, and Prof. Aaditya Ramdas from Carnegie Mellon University were also invited to provide insightful technical talks and foster meaningful discussions on uncertainty in artificial intelligence. For more information, kindly visit the workshop's website E-pi UAI.

Forth E-pi consortium meeting

December 6 2022

The forth E-pi consortium meeting, held in person, was hosted by Oxford Brookes University on December 6 2022 in Headington, Oxford. During the meeting, PhD researcher Shireen Kudukkil Manchingal presented her recent research on Random-set CNN for image classification. All partners participated actively in the progress update on the Work Package(s) and the technical brainstorming sessions.

Third E-pi consortium meeting

May 18 2022

The third E-pi consortium meeting, held personally, was hosted by KU Leuven and organised by Dr Keivan Shariatmadar on May 18 2022 in KU Leuven, Campus Bruges, Belgium. A technical presentation on ''Safe Reinforcement Learning'' given by Dr. Matthijs Spaan (TU Delft), the project update report, the technical discussion, and a laboratory tour were among the activities.

E-pi periodic technical and financial report

May 11 2022

The E-pi periodic technical and financial report with project officer and experts was conducted on May 11 2022, virtually.

Second E-pi consortium meeting

December 8 2021

The second E-pi consortium meeting, held virtually, was organised by Prof Neil Yorke-Smith and Pascal van der Vaart (TU Delft) on 8 December 2021. All partners had the opportunity to present their Work Package(s), including the associated Deliverables and Milestones. Meanwhile, a technical talk on "Imprecise Decision Theory" was given by Dr Keivan Shariatmadar (KU Leuven).

The ROAD challenge: Event detection for situation awareness in autonomous driving

An ICCV 2021 Workshop and Challenge

October 10-17 2021

The goal of this workshop is to put to the forefront of the research in autonomous driving the topic of situation awareness, intended as the ability to create semantically useful representations of dynamic road scenes in terms of the notion of ‘road event’, itself inspired by the central computer vision notion of ‘action’. The workshop also aims to stimulate a change of paradigm in the field of action detection, by shifting the focus from the objects/actors themselves and their appearance to what they do and the meaning of their behaviour, as the concept of action is here extended to apply to human-operated machinery as an extension of the human mind.

E-pi kickoff meeting

March 15 2021

The new Epistemic AI EU Future Emerging Technologies (FET) project has started on March 1 2021.

The kickoff meeting took place on Monday 15 March in a virtual fashion, and hosted as speakers Prof Fabio Cuzzolin and Dr Andrew Bradley (Oxford Brookes), Dr Keivan Shariatmadat (KU Leuven), Prof Neil Yorke-Smith (TU Delft), Prof Hans Hallez (KU Leuven), Prof David Moens (KU Leuven),  Dr Matthijs Spaan and Dr Julian Kooij (TU Delft).

The project is coordinated by Prof Fabio Cuzzolin and has a duration of 4 years.