Workpackage 3

Science-to-technology breakthrough in autonomous driving


D3.1 – Report on Use Case Definition

This first deliverable of Work Package (WP) 3 completes Task T3.1, and defines the details of the different use cases developed through the other tasks T3.2, T3.3 and T3.4. For completeness, we first summarise the role and objectives of WP3 within the E-pi project, list its tasks, deliverables and milestones, and explain how it relates to the other WPs, and to other project documentation such as the Data Management Plan and the Fallback and General Safety plan. Afterwards, the objectives, task definitions, and hardware/software/other requirements of each use case are explained in detail.

The use cases tackle perception, intent prediction, and decision making for autonomous driving, in various applications ranging from autonomous racing cars to road user behaviour understanding, using the available AV resources in both Delft and Oxford. We list various core and exploratory goals in the lower Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 3 and 4.