Workpackage 4
Project management, dissemination and exploitation
Deliverable 4.1 Website and logo
Deliverable 4.1 is composed of two main sections: a first part describing the process we followed to create the project website and the actual features of the website; a second part which describes the process towards the generation of a suitable logo for the project, including our engagement with relevant external companies, and the rationale behind the logo itself. Some papers which relevant for the discussion are listed at the end. All sections have been compiled to the best of our knowledge, with the contribution of all three partners: Oxford Brookes University (OBU), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL) and Technische Universiteit Delft (TUD).
Deliverable 4.2 Data Management Plan
Deliverable 4.2 has been prepared in adherence to the European Commission template, and is composed of 6 main sections: Data Summary, FAIR data, Allocation of resources, Data security, Ethical aspects, and Other. Some relevant papers for the discussion are listed at the end. All sections have been compiled to the best of our knowledge, with the contribution of all the three partner universities: OBU, KUL and TUD. The information provided will be revised in the light of the actual work conducted later in the project.
Deliverable 4.3 Dissemination, Communication and Exploitation Plan
Deliverable 4.3 was prepared in adherence to the European Commission template and is composed of 4 main sections: Introduction, Communication, Dissemination, and Exploitation. Some papers relevant to the discussion are listed at the end. All sections have been compiled to the best of our knowledge, with the contribution of all the three partner universities: OBU, KUL and TUD. The information provided will be revised in light of the actual work conducted later in the project.